For my English talking friends and fans.

Posted in 1 on January 2, 2010 by ilanaaviv

This short film was made specialy
for my English talking friends and fans.


Posted in Inside, OutDoor, Wall Decor on November 1, 2009 by ilanaaviv

 Sometimes we have to take a break from intense life,  in order to look for reasons and meaning for our being here in this place, this time, this human environment.

To understand our task we need to find out where we’re headed.

As we start, it seems that there are hundreds of ways and junctions, and there is a deep core, an origin from which we can go anywhere.

As we start to get deep we get some peace of mind, we can see that there

is no where  we have to go, no other place to be and that here and now is the right place and time to be .

There is only the now.

Something inside starts to open up, we find golden answers right

Underneath and inside……..

Materials: concrete pigments net gold 23.5 karat

You can buy “GUSHING” on ebay now

GUSHING by Ilana Aviv

GUSHING by Ilana Aviv


The Land of Havila

Posted in Inside, Wall Decor with tags , , , , on October 19, 2009 by ilanaaviv

There is often a story behind an art piece. These days I am sorting my work, taking out all pictures for my ebay store and helping my e-commerce manager making sense and order in all this  huge body of work I’ve done. I remember the story behind this particular item “The land of Havila”

The land of Havila by ILANA AVIV

The land of Havila by ILANA AVIV

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Knowhow- The way I creat my sculptures

Posted in Inside, OutDoor, Wall Decor with tags , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2009 by ilanaaviv

Many times I find myself explaining how I make these pieces of art. How do I manipulate the materials to give me the image I need it to have at the end. So here is my process and it’s a secret so don’t tell anyone…

I start a work by being Continue reading


Posted in Inside, OutDoor, Wall Decor with tags , , , , , , on August 30, 2009 by ilanaaviv

“People of the Book’s memories”

Posted in Inside, Wall Decor with tags on August 30, 2009 by ilanaaviv

The Jewish people preserve thousands of ancient  scripts we sanctify the written word and the ancient wisdom that keeps  the existence of the Jewish people for more then two thousands years through Diaspora and hell.

This work deals with the private memories of each and every person as well as the national memories. The need to hold it close, to preserve, to wrap, to tie and to tighten not to let go, and yet still be anxious of loosing it.

"Memories" by Ilana Aviv -front

"Memories" by Ilana Aviv -front


"Memories" by Ilana Aviv -side

"Memories" by Ilana Aviv -side

“Tzimtzum”(He) | “Time space”

Posted in Inside, OutDoor on August 30, 2009 by ilanaaviv

In this work I search for the endless spiral movement of the “Or Ain sof”-the limitless light through time space.  The act whereby God “contracted” his infinite light, leaving a “void” into which the light of existence was poured.  The spiral form represents
The ten Sephirot, which is a step-by-step process illuminating the Divine plan as it unfolds itself in our world, being in constant relationship with each other.

"Time Space" by Ilanit Aviv

"Time Space" by Ilanit Aviv

Mazes of the soul

Posted in Inside, Wall Decor with tags , on August 29, 2009 by ilanaaviv

Located in Hilton Hotel The theme of this work deals with the Yearn of every Jew to Jerusalem and its wholeness facing the reality of the city. I began this work with a harmonious form, and then I cut into it, symbolically revealing the hidden strata of Jerusalem: it’s whole and illuminating, while being divided and war-torn.

Mazes of the Mazes of the soul 2000 cement 180x150X40

Mazes of the Mazes of the soul 2000 cement 180x150X40

Building Block Garden

Posted in Inside, OutDoor with tags , , , on August 29, 2009 by ilanaaviv

Proposal for a sculptural piece to be set up in a public park – a building block garden.

Through this series of sculptures, I found a way to convey happiness and optimism to toddlers and the world, to relate to childish naiveté, and to enable toddlers to come across building blocks familiar to them from preschool games.  This work enables children to encounter a world akin to enticing colorful sweets, which piques the curiosity and spirit of adventurism; the toddlers can crawl beneath the “arch train”, and amuse themselves among the chunks of block.  Beyond its sculptural and visual value, this is a series of sculptures which speaks to children and families.


Children building blocks
Children building blocks